jadi karena nganggur saya
biasa stalking akhirnya nyasar ke akun ini "HOW TO LOVE" .Dan ini
beberapa tweetnya,selamat berfikir :)
bio: Capitalist love is
fake, narcissistic and needy; It's about rings and expensive rituals. Communal
love is about freedom, openness, and refreshing humaneness.
- "love is not delusional feeling of romactic emptiness"
- "love is not about winning or losing"
- "love is a revolutionary feeling that destroys barriers between human beings"
- "love is not prerentious, it is a sincere revolutionary feeling"
- "love is not delusional feeling based on illusions. love is desire to seek the truth"
- "love is the manisfetation of the best qualities inside of every single human being"
- "love is not about acting like a complete emotional fool"
- "love is not something that you can take from another human being"
- "love inspires the people to revolt, to stand up, to crush any force of selfishness"
- "love is not about stealing emotions from another, it is about opening up your soul to the world around you"
- "love is not about jealousy, it is about the building up"
- "love liberates you from social anxiety, you have purpose to open the path to a communal loving society"
- "love dies when it becomes about individualistic gratification"
- "love is not about acting like delusional idiot"
- "love is political feeling in the way that it inspires people to take a stand against oppression"
- "it is impossible to possess love, love is desire to grow to become to be the world around you"
- "love is not about having or finding someone it is about opening your heart to your world"
- "love liberates you from your obsessions with the egostitical self"
- "love is the truth, it is the desire to become one with people"
- "love inspires the weak to grow strong, the pessimist to become a revolutionary optimist"
- "love is not about individual countries/citizens it is about sharing your very self with the world around you"
- "love is a revolutionary feeling that cannot be imprisoned in the walls of institutional relationship"
- "love dies when it becomes about infantile individuals who want to feel special and be pampered"
- "love is not about what u can get for the best emotional price"
- "love is the freedom to soar into new realms of collective self understanding"
- "love is not about taking and giving it is about building together"
- "love is not about turning emotions into social prisons"
- "love dies when it becomes a fetish"
- "love is a metaphor for uncompromising equality"
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